Crowded places are an attractive target for terrorists. Whilst security by design can mitigate some threats, applying airport-style screening within public spaces can be costly and impractical.
Behaviour detection is a cost-effective method of identifying suspicious, and potentially criminal, activity. It will equip your staff with the confidence and competence, appropriate to their role, to act and escalate as required.
Integrated with other security measures, behaviour detection provides an additional and crucial layer to your security measures and risk reduction.
The suite of behaviour detection courses listed below range from basic awareness, suited for all staff, to those with specific security responsibilities.
This short online course is designed to raise awareness amongst staff to recognise suspicious behaviour, thereby adding an additional layer to your security measures
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This course is designed to raise awareness amongst security staff of potential threats which may exist, but are not necessarily obvious to the untrained eye, and the appropriate response and escalation on recognition of suspicious behaviour
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Designed to ensure security-trained staff work as a team in identifying potential threats, this course teaches all the theoretical modules and includes tabletop exercises to reaffirm understanding
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The course teaches how best to control and integrate BDOs to achieve the earliest possible detection. It provides the Manager with the necessary knowledge on the optimum deployment of BDO teams and how to control and integrate BDOs
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This instructor-led course is designed to raise awareness of potential threats, along with the appropriate response and escalation on recognition of suspicious behaviour.
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