This course is for Aviation Security Managers to understand the legal framework for aviation security, and their role and responsibilities in ensuring their security programme, and its implementation
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This course is essential for those Aviation Security Instructors who are required to deliver the RFX modules which reside within Aviation Security syllabi; e.g. General Security Officer / Supervisor, Cargo, In-Flight Supplies, etc.
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This course will equip those who operate within the Security Restricted Area (SRA) of an airport with an awareness of basic security measures and knowledge of their vital responsibilities in countering the threat to aviation
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This course is designed to ensure those responsible for making aviation security decisions in response to receipt of a threat are able to do so in accordance with the UK DfT Threat Assessment process
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This non-regulatory foundation course in the recognition of firearms and explosives is separate from the Department for Transport mandated RFX instructors course
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This course is designed to provide the supervisors of ground security operatives at an airport with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation
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This course is designed to provide those responsible for implementing effective security measures within an airport Security Restricted Area (SRA) and associated Critical Part (CP) with confidence and competence to undertake their duties
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This course is designed to equip security staff with responsibility for screening packages via X-ray with the knowledge and skills to be able to use the full functionality of an X-ray effectively
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This course is designed to train ETD operators in the use of explosive trace detection equipment. The course will give the staff the skills to use the ETD machine and demonstrate sampling techniques as well as escalation process
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This course is designed for those who are responsible for handling and reconciling hold baggage, including check-in staff, dispatchers, appointed persons and baggage loaders
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This course is designed for those required to conduct searching/checking of exterior areas of aircraft and cargo aircraft, but do not have the wider responsibilities covered in the GSO, Aircrew Security or Cargo courses
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This course is designed to provide aircrew of UK registered qualifying aircraft with the skills to conduct their security duties, understand the legal framework of security, the current threat, and awareness of the wider security issues
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This course will benefit all new and existing staff who require Dangerous Goods non-carrier training as part of their role
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This course is designed to assist those responsible for completing mandatory vetting in understanding their role and responsibilities in accordance with EU regulation 2015/1998 (as retained in UK law)
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This workshop will equip those responsible for instructing and developing others in the workplace with the confidence and competence to share their subject matter expertise with colleagues effectively
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This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to supervise and monitor the implementation of aviation security measures within an airport operation in accordance with the requirements
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This course is designed for participants to integrate knowledge of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) into the context of their designated role in their organization
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This workshop is designed to familiarise participants with the development and implementation of an effective security culture, which is critical to achieving effective security and one of the key priority outcomes of the ICAO GASeP
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This workshop is designed to familiarise participants with the requirements of an Airport Security Programme (ASP) and equip them with the knowledge and skills to enable them to draft and review such programmes
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This interactive workshop is designed to provide management personnel with the knowledge and skills required to develop and implement sound crisis management procedures
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This interactive workshop provides participants with the tools to effectively assess risk associated with the protection of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference through the identification and evaluation of threats
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This interactive workshop is designed to familiarise participants with the requirements of a National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP) and enable them to draft and review such a programme
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This workshop is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to develop effective aviation security quality control measures under a National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (NCASQCP)
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This workshop is designed to familiarise participants with the general principles of a National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement relevant training
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This course will provide those who have access to air cargo or mail with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security measures in accordance with the regulations.
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This course will provide those who are responsible for transportation of, or have access to, air cargo or mail with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course will provide those responsible for implementing protective measures, including searching and checking, of aircraft carrying air cargo or mail with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security control
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This course will provide those responsible for handling air cargo or mail with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course will provide those responsible for transporting and handling air cargo or mail with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course will provide those responsible for screening air cargo or mail within a Regulated Agent facility with the knowledge and skills necessary to detect prohibited articles via multiple screening methods, excluding X-ray
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This course will provide those responsible for screening air cargo or mail within a Regulated Agent facility with the knowledge and skills necessary to detect prohibited articles via multiple screening methods, including X-ray
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This course provides those responsible for supervising others within a Regulated Agent facility with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that effective, regulatory-compliant security measures are applied across your organisation
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This course will provide those responsible for managing a Regulated Agent facility with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that effective, regulatory-compliant security measures are applied across your organisation
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This module of the Cargo Supervisor (CS) and Cargo Manager (CM) course is mandatory for personnel involved in the screening of air cargo or mail using Free Running Explosive Detection Dogs
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This course will provide those who have access to In-Flight Supplies (IFS) with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course has been designed for staff who transport In-Flight Supplies (IFS) and will where required include an Airport Access module for those delivering supplies airside
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This course has been designed for staff who are required to conduct vehicle searches and transport In-Flight Supplies (IFS). It will, where required, include an Airport Access module for those delivering supplies airside
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This course has been designed for staff who conduct Goods-In searches
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This course has been designed for staff who supervise or manage those responsible for conducting Goods-In searches
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This course has been designed for staff who conduct Goods-In or Final searches
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This course has been designed for staff who supervise or manage those responsible for conducting Goods-In or Final searches
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This course has been designed for staff who conduct Goods-In, Final or Vehicle searches
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This course has been designed for those staff who conduct the final search and sealing of In-Flight Supplies (IFS) (including vehicles) and transportation of IFS
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This course has been designed for staff who supervise or manage those responsible for conducting Goods-In, Final or Vehicle searches
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This course will provide those responsible for managing a Regulated Supplier facility with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that effective, regulatory-compliant security measures are applied across their organisation
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This course will provide those who have access to Airport Supplies with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course will provide those responsible for transporting and handling Airport Supplies with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course will provide those responsible for screening airport supplies with the skills necessary to detect prohibited articles via Hand-Search, Visual Search, Explosive Trace Detection and/or X-ray as applicable to their site
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This course will provide those responsible for supervising the screening of airport supplies with the knowledge and skills necessary to detect prohibited articles via Hand-Search, Visual Search, Explosive Trace Detection and/or X-ray
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This course will provide those responsible for supervising the screening, handling and transportation of Airport Supplies with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure effective security measures are applied across their organisation
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This course will provide those who have access to identifiable air cargo with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply effective security measures in accordance with the regulations
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This course is designed to ensure that all staff working for Known Consignors who have access to identifiable air cargo understand their role and responsibilities in keeping air cargo secure
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This course is designed to ensure that all staff working for Known Consignors who have access to identifiable air cargo understand their role and responsibilities in keeping air cargo secure
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This is aimed at staff working in landside areas, such as retail, maintenance and cleaning, transportation, and hospitality, and will provide them with an understanding of their role and responsibilities in contributing to aviation security
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This short online course is designed to raise awareness amongst staff to recognise suspicious behaviour, thereby adding an additional layer to your security measures
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This course is designed to raise awareness amongst security staff of potential threats which may exist, but are not necessarily obvious to the untrained eye, and the appropriate response and escalation on recognition of suspicious behaviour
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Designed to ensure security-trained staff work as a team in identifying potential threats, this course teaches all the theoretical modules and includes tabletop exercises to reaffirm understanding
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The course teaches how best to control and integrate BDOs to achieve the earliest possible detection. It provides the Manager with the necessary knowledge on the optimum deployment of BDO teams and how to control and integrate BDOs
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This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to plan, coordinate and implement the application of airport security preventive measures in accordance with approved aviation security programmes
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This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver effective Aviation Security (AvSec) Training in accordance with their National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP)
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This course is designed to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge required to conduct audits and inspections as part of a National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (NCASQCP)
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This course will show you how to conduct a body and bag search in a systematic way while being aware of and responding effectively to the specific needs of people when applying the search methodology.
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This instructor-led course is designed to raise awareness of potential threats, along with the appropriate response and escalation on recognition of suspicious behaviour.
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This five-day interactive workshop is designed to train personnel to identify and develop insider threat scenarios and implement related aviation security preventive measures, in accordance with Standards and Recommended Practices.
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